viernes, enero 28, 2005


Two friends of mine -- both of whom mean a great deal to me -- have recently found it necessary to go out of their way to tick me off. At least, that's the way it seems. It's worked, too, better than it should have. I am not just angry, I am furious. Before I let go and let them have it, though, I might want to be sure I am right. Feeling righteous is far better than feeling guilty.

lunes, enero 24, 2005

Nine of Swords

A difficult relationship that brings sorrow may also give rise to feelings of liberation.The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.With the Nine of Swords in this position you may be facing a paradox that illustrates how that which causes grief and sorrow may also produce a great release. Sometimes the catastrophe you fear the worst may actually be the end of an impossible or difficult relationship. If this is one of those times, consider the possibility that binding obligations to a past -- be it a relationship or situation -- may now be ended.If this is so, then you may now be free to choose your own direction, to explore and grow beyond circumstances that previously hemmed you in. The very fact that this may be happening indicates your readiness to make this transition. Somewhere beneath the distress and loss is a reserve of strength that has been building for this kind of opportunity. Point yourself toward healing and liberation. Free from suffering, you can focus on the positive. Collect visions and ideas that will help you rise above feelings of hopelessness. Let go of the past and let your spirit soar!

diffused light

Finally, I decided to grab my grandmother's offer to work with her this coming March (hopefully). So I need to fix things up in a month, just thinking about this stuff makes me quirky, I mean this is it so soon. Tomorrow I will get my passport, have to send it right away through e-mail so grandma will process my visa. Honestly, I am not prepared for this. Its the biggest turn of my life, new place, new people to work or interact with, new climate, miles away from friends and family all in all a BIG adjustment for me. Though, I am a bit excited for that turn actually, well, definitely not for the money but for the new shift. This is what I am praying for, the ball is in my hands. As the saying goes "its not a mistake to try, its a mistake not to try", I dont want to live a life that is full of regrets just because I didn't get my feet into the waters to know how deep it is. One year, so many things will happen within that period and I have no idea what would it be. All I know and in my heart, I desired to go.